What is this website about?

If it’s not clear from the title of the website, it is about friendship. Yes, chess is naturally competitive but for me, I visit chess tournaments not for the competition but to see the human elements. People socialize, make new friends, and discover and share human experiences. Chess, is often perceived as a game of … Read more

Hilton’s Friends

click to see original photo I posted this on Facebook before but Facebook downgrades the resolution more than 4 times. Good for social media but nothing else. So here it’s posted in it’s full native size (click on link) which should be clearer. This is from the Malaysian Chess Festival 2023. More specifically it’s from … Read more

MCF = Malaysian Chess Festival !!

What I like about this website name is that it is also the acronym for the arguably the BIGGEST chess festival in South East Asia. It is also the oldest with the next iteration being the 19th edition to the Malaysian Chess Festival. Classical long time control, team rapids for Open as well as Age … Read more

3 steps for chess improvement

How does one become a strong chess player? Everyone wants to learn a secret method for quickly improving their chess skills! Should you focus on tactics? How much time should you spend on endgames? Do you have to play over-the-board chess? We’ll address these and other questions, as well as provide you with a concise … Read more

Chess Seconds

In professional chess, there is a job that frequently goes unseen but is critical to a player’s success: the “chess second”. This word refers to an individual or team who assists a professional chess player, notably during competitions.For example, current World Champion Ding Liren had Richard Rapport as his second during his fight for the … Read more

2023 Malaysian Open champion – GM Sivuk Vitaly

Grandmaster Sivuk Vitaly who is a familiar face in Malaysia now, having won both the Penang Open and Johor Open in past years, now is the champion for the Malaysian Open 2023. Four players tied for first place with 7 out of 9 points, but Sweden’s incumbent champion triumphed due to a better Buchholz tie … Read more

2023 Selangor Open Pictures

One of the least noticed but tremendously adds prestige to a chess tournament is a professional/skilled photographers. In other words one of the best friends any chess tournament should have. Here are some exceptional pictures taken by Mr Khong Wai Cheong:

Ding Liren: Why he is impressive – 8 Qualities That Set Him Apart

Ding Liren, the 17th Chess World Champion, has not only transformed the game but also captured the hearts of chess enthusiasts around the globe. Let’s explore eight unique qualities of this extraordinary Chinese Grandmaster that make him an inspiring and truly exceptional champion. Conclusion: Ding Liren’s exceptional qualities, from his innovative gameplay and supportive friendships … Read more