What is this website about?

If it’s not clear from the title of the website, it is about friendship. Yes, chess is naturally competitive but for me, I visit chess tournaments not for the competition but to see the human elements. People socialize, make new friends, and discover and share human experiences.

Chess, is often perceived as a game of intense competition and that’s no different in Malaysia. For many, including myself, the true essence of chess lies not in worrying who my next opponent is, and whether I can beat him or her. It’s in the friendships forged, the stories exchanged, and the sense of community that can be seen in these gatherings.

When I attend chess tournaments, of course I am focused on the outcomes of the games to post reports as soon as they are out. Chess-results is most of the time faster but I differentiate my posts from chess-results with the human elements like pictures of the winners and losers and hopefully, emotions captured at moment of triumph or defeat. But more often than not, I don’t get those dramatic pictures, but more like someone with their face covered hands deep in thought. Still, there are rare moments where a good picture is taken and shared. Still every picture is cherished as it may be boring to me but may not be to someone else. Collecting and tagging names to the players which is later automated by Google Photos has become another of my “hobbies” similiar to someone collecting stamps.

It’s the diverse backgrounds, ages, and cultures, that never fail to amaze me as soon as I step into a tourmament hall.beautiful aspects of chess tournaments is the opportunity to socialize and connect with like-minded individuals. Between rounds, players gather in clusters, discussing their games, analyzing positions, and sharing insights. These conversations often extend beyond chess, delving into personal stories, life experiences, and even philosophical musings. It is in these moments that the game becomes a conduit for human connection, allowing people to see beyond the competitive facade and appreciate the individuals behind the moves.

In closing, while chess is undeniably a competitive endeavor, its true beauty lies in the human connections. So the next time you go to a tournament, strive to find that new friend, don’t just shake hands with that stranger across that board and walk off back to your hotel room.

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